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The UnBootcamp - Q2 (Weeks 14-26)

The UnBootcamp: Intro & Welcome

Instructor :  
Rachel Elizabeth

UnBootcamp - Week 14

Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!


You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch! 

Before you begin, watch the…

  1. Intro video
  2. Demo videos for any unfamiliar exercise
  3. Check reps and notes in the workout (pdf download) for each round

REM 100 - Warm Up 

1. Air squats

2. Lateral toe taps

3. Wood-chop

4. Hi-knees

5. Butt-kickers

Round 1

Lateral shuffle to squat thrust

Plank, reps

Round 2

Pop squat to burpee w/push-up

SLDL (single leg deadlift)

Round 3

Skater jumps

Reverse lunges, alternating

Split squat jumps

Round 4

Long jumps

Inverted shoulder press

UnBootcamp Week 14

Instructor :  
Rachel Elizabeth

UnBootcamp - Week 15

Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!


You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch! 

Before you begin, watch the…

  1. Intro video
  2. Demo videos for any unfamiliar exercise
  3. Check reps and notes in the workout (pdf download) for each round

REM 100 - Warm Up 

1. Air squats

2. Lateral toe taps

3. Wood-chop

4. Hi-knees

5. Butt-kickers

Round 1

A2A Squats

Mountain Climbers

Round 2

Curtsy Lunge

Side Plank

Round 3


Surfer Get-up

Round 4


10 Down

Round 5


UnBootcamp Week 15

Instructor :  
Rachel Elizabeth

UnBootcamp - Week 16

Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!


You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch! 

Before you begin, watch the…

  1. Intro video
  2. Demo videos for any unfamiliar exercise
  3. Check reps and notes in the workout (pdf download) for each round

REM 100 - Warm Up 

1. Air squats

2. Lateral toe taps

3. Wood-chop

4. Hi-knees

5. Butt-kickers

Round 1

Walkout to Pushup [w/Frogger (see below)]


Skater Jumps


Round 2

Split Squat Jumps

Walking plank

Mountain Climbers, Cross-body

Round 3

180 Burpees, alt

Glute Bridge to Crunch

Round 4

Lateral Shuffle to Squat Thrust

Round 5

10 Down

UnBootcamp Week 16

Instructor :  
Rachel Elizabeth

UnBootcamp Week 17

Instructor :  
Rachel Elizabeth

UnBootcamp - Week 17

Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!


You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch! 

Before you begin, watch the…

  1. Intro video
  2. Demo videos for any unfamiliar exercise
  3. Check reps and notes in the workout (pdf download) for each round

REM 100 - Warm Up 

1. Air squats

2. Lateral toe taps

3. Wood-chop

4. Hi-knees

5. Butt-kickers

Round 1

Reverse lunges, alternating


Round 2

Plank, reps

Side plank, reps

Glute Bridge, SL

Round 3

Tuck jumps

Sprinter crunch

Mt. climbers

Round 4

Spiderman pushups


Coming Soon

UnBootcamp - Week 18

Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!


You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch! 

Before you begin, watch the…

  1. Intro video
  2. Demo videos for any unfamiliar exercise
  3. Check reps and notes in the workout (pdf download) for each round

REM 100 - Warm Up 

1. Air squats

2. Lateral toe taps

3. Wood-chop

4. Hi-knees

5. Butt-kickers

Round 1

Star Burpees with Plank Jacks (see below)

Plank Jacks

Side Plank w/ reps

Round 2

Plank - pike

Split-squat jumps


Round 3

Tuck jumps


Round 4

Corkscrew pushups


Round 5


Air squats (for speed)

UnBootcamp Week 18

Instructor :  
Rachel Elizabeth

UnBootcamp - Week 19

Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!


You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch! 

Before you begin, watch the…

  1. Intro video
  2. Demo videos for any unfamiliar exercise
  3. Check reps and notes in the workout (pdf download) for each round

REM 100 - Warm Up 

1. Air squats

2. Lateral toe taps

3. Wood-chop

4. Hi-knees

5. Butt-kickers

Round 1

Reverse lunges, alternating

Star burpee w/ plank jack (see below)

Plank jack

Side plank

Round 2

Split-squat jumps

Plank - pike

SL Glute Bridge

Round 3

Tuck jumps

Mt. Climbers

Round 4: TABATA* 

Squat jumps (20:10)

Bicycle crunch (20:10)

*See PDF for instructions

Round 5

10-Down (pushups to crunches)

UnBootcamp Week 19

Instructor :  
Rachel Elizabeth

UnBootcamp - Week 20

Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!


You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch! 

Before you begin, watch the…

  1. Intro video
  2. Demo videos for any unfamiliar exercise
  3. Check reps and notes in the workout (pdf download) for each round

REM 100 - Warm Up 

1. Air squats

2. Lateral toe taps

3. Wood-chop

4. Hi-knees

5. Butt-kickers

Round 1


Jump Squats

Round 2

Glute Bridge


Plank jack to Jumping jacks

Round 3

Split-squat jumps

Walkout to pushup

Shoulder taps to ankle taps

Round 4

Glute Bridge



Burpee 'Mile'

UnBootcamp Week 20

Instructor :  
Rachel Elizabeth

UnBootcamp - Week 21

Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!


You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch! 

Before you begin, watch the…

  1. Intro video
  2. Demo videos for any unfamiliar exercise
  3. Check reps and notes in the workout (pdf download) for each round

REM 100 - Warm Up 

1. Air squats

2. Lateral toe taps

3. Wood-chop

4. Hi-knees

5. Butt-kickers

Round 1

Alternating Reverse Lunges

Star Burpees w/ Plank-jacks (see below)


Side Plank

Round 2

Split Squat Jumps

Plank - Pike

Single Leg Glute Bridge

Round 3

Tuck Jump

Mt. Climbers

Frog Pumps

Round 4

Spiderman Pushups

Alternating Superman

Round 5

Air Squats (for speed)

Squat Jumps

UnBootcamp Week 21

Instructor :  
Rachel Elizabeth

UnBootcamp - Week 22

Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!


You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch! 

Before you begin, watch the…

  1. Intro video
  2. Demo videos for any unfamiliar exercise
  3. Check reps and notes in the workout (pdf download) for each round

REM 100 - Warm Up 

1. Air squats

2. Lateral toe taps

3. Wood-chop

4. Hi-knees

5. Butt-kickers

Round 1

Walkout to Pushup

Skater Jumps


Round 2

Walking Double-lunges (down)

Prisoner Walk (back)

Walking Plank

Round 3

Diving dog

Corkscrew Pushup

Round 4

Glute Bridge to Jab


Round 5

Surfer to Tuck Jump (see below)

Tuck Jumps

UnBootcamp Week 22

Instructor :  
Rachel Elizabeth

UnBootcamp - Week 23

Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!


You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch! 

Before you begin, watch the…

  1. Intro video
  2. Demo videos for any unfamiliar exercise
  3. Check reps and notes in the workout (pdf download) for each round

REM 100 - Warm Up 

1. Air squats

2. Lateral toe taps

3. Wood-chop

4. Hi-knees

5. Butt-kickers

Round 1

Skater jumps

Reverse lunges, alternating

Glute Bridge

Round 2

Sprint (away)

Prisoner Walk (return)

Pop Squats

Round 3

Tuck jump

Diving dog

Pop Squat to Burpee w/ Pushup

Round 4

Long jump...



UnBootcamp Week 23

Instructor :  
Rachel Elizabeth

UnBootcamp - Week 24

Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!


You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch! 

Before you begin, watch the…

  1. Intro video
  2. Demo videos for any unfamiliar exercise
  3. Check reps and notes in the workout (pdf download) for each round

REM 100 - Warm Up 

1. Air squats

2. Lateral toe taps

3. Wood-chop

4. Hi-knees

5. Butt-kickers

Round 1

Leg Crank: 

- A2A squats

- Squat jumps

- Reverse lunges, alternating

- Split-squat jumps

Round 2

Spider-man pushup

Walking plank



Round 3

Walkouts to Tuck jump (see below)

Tuck jumps

Bucking donkey

Round 4

Sprint (away)

Side-shuffle to squat thrust (return)

UnBootcamp Week 24

Instructor :  
Rachel Elizabeth

UnBootcamp - Week 25

Here's your Weekly UnBootcamp Workout!


You may do this workout more than once during the week, but because they are full-body and designed to be intense, we recommend taking at least one day to recover between workouts. Don't forget to hydrate and stretch! 

Before you begin, watch the…

  1. Intro video
  2. Demo videos for any unfamiliar exercise
  3. Check reps and notes in the workout (pdf download) for each round

REM 100 - Warm Up 

1. Air squats

2. Lateral toe taps

3. Wood-chop

4. Hi-knees

5. Butt-kickers

Round 1

Wind Sprints

Round 2

Corkscrew Push-up

Tabletop Dip

Round 3

Leg Crank: 

- A2A squats

- Squat jumps

- Reverse lunges, alternating

- Split-squat jumps

Round 4

Plank, reps

Side-plank, reps

Round 5

Burpee 'Mile'

NRW Push-ups

UnBootcamp Week 25

Instructor :  
Rachel Elizabeth